For Appointments: 07 5422 9380

First Visit

On your first visit to Woodford Dental, you will be greeted by your dentist in the relaxing ambience. Our goal is to make you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. You will be asked to sit in an examination chair for your dentist to evaluate your dental condition. Your dentist will examine your face and neck visually for any abnormalities such as lumps or swelling. You will be then asked to open your mouth for your dentist to check for any abnormalities such as ulcers, growths, or discolouration on your lips, gums, tongue, cheeks, and the roof and floor of your mouth. The dentist will then test your bite and assess how well your teeth fit together. Your gums and jawbone will also be examined for any signs or symptoms of gum or bone diseases. Your teeth will be assessed for cavities and any other problems along with examination of the specific areas in your mouth where you may have concerns. Your dentist may order an X-ray to give a more precise image of your teeth and jawbone if the clinical exam does not completely diagnose your problem.

Once an oral examination is completed, your dentist will discuss with you the findings and treatment options and answer any questions or concerns you may have. The dentist will also educate you on topics including good oral hygiene, how to prevent cavities, need for fluoride treatment, adequate nutrition, and the importance of future follow-up visits. It is important to let your dentist know of your medical history and if you are on any medications, as diseases that seem not related to your mouth may require a different dental treatment approach.

At Woodford Dental, our goal is to provide you with a thorough and relaxed dental treatment experience to ensure you have the best dental health. Please feel free to discuss any concerns you may have with any of our staff.


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